Sunday, March 17, 2013

Is maths 'cool'?

How many times have you heard someone say: "Ah maths! Hate it. Never understood it. Not for me". 

Unbelievable, right? Why is it so cool not to like maths? Why is it cool to be afraid of it? I mean you don't hear anyone saying the same about subjects like English, Geography or History. But they're really just as involved in our daily lives as maths!  

Think of it like this... A mathematician probably knows Shakespeare's work pretty well, I mean we're all familiar with a number of his plays and poems... But how many poets are familiar with the work of Leonhard Euler, Carl Gauss or even Sir Isaac Newton? The funny thing is.. maths is the only subject that is actually true.

Think about english. We write about our opinions on pieces of work, we try and understand the intentions of the authors themselves through careful analysis, yet often you'll find if an author writes something like "He wore a black tie", an English teacher might say "it depicts the bitterness and harshness of the deep abyss created in the heart of the character while underlying his need for deception in the outside world", when in reality, all the author really meant was that he liked black ties.

It's even worse for the sciences. Our understanding of the world around us is constantly changing and improving, in fact, physics classes taught at the start of the twenty first century wouldn't have even known about the existence of atoms, something so basic yet fundamental to our understanding of the universe today. It's not just adding to what we know, but changing what we thought was right beforehand!

But basic principles of maths will never change. It's an undeniable force of our world that has been, and will be used for developments in so many fields of work.  The simple fact that you're reading this article on a computer or smartphone that required an advanced level of mathematics to create is an homage to the feat of many mathematicians of centuries before us.

Of course, as Hannan mentioned earlier, mathematics isn't quite 'perfect', and there is still always room for improvement, but I don't understand people who think things like trigonometry or calculus are almost 'from a different world', No, its not. It's maths, it's true, it's useful and it can be used almost everywhere. Mathsassins, we can't let this problem seep through society! 

1 comment:

  1. please let me in the creed. im good at maths.
